
Unveiling New eBooks to Add to Your Digital Library

Are you looking to expand your digital library with fresh, exciting reads? Look no further! We have gathered a collection of new releases in eBooks that will ignite your imagination and keep you engrossed for hours.

eBooks have revolutionized the way we consume literature, offering convenience and flexibility to readers. Whether you prefer novels, non-fiction, or educational material, there’s something for everyone in the world of digital books.

In this article, we will introduce you to the concept of enhanced eBooks and explore the various tools available to create interactive and multimedia-rich digital publications. Additionally, we will delve into acquisition options for eBooks in academic libraries, uncovering the potential for unlimited access to a vast array of scholarly content.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the latest releases in eBooks to add to your digital library.
  • Enhanced eBooks offer interactive and multimedia features that enhance the reading experience.
  • Explore the tools available for creating interactive and multimedia-rich eBooks.
  • Academic libraries have multiple acquisition options for adding eBooks to their collections.
  • Unlimited access and affordability are key considerations when selecting eBooks for academic libraries.

Tools for Creating Enhanced eBooks

Creating enhanced ebooks is made easy with a variety of tools that provide interactive and multimedia features. These tools allow authors and publishers to elevate the reading experience and engage readers in new and exciting ways. Whether you’re an educator looking to enhance classroom materials or an author wanting to add a new dimension to your storytelling, these tools have got you covered.

Web-Based Tools

Web-based tools offer convenience and accessibility, allowing users to create enhanced ebooks directly from their browsers. Here are some popular web-based tools:

  • Open Office Impress: This tool provides a robust set of features for creating multimedia presentations, making it ideal for enhancing ebooks.
  • Google Presentations: A web-based alternative to traditional slide presentation software, Google Presentations offers collaboration features and the ability to embed multimedia elements.
  • Booktracks: With Booktracks, authors can synchronize soundtracks with their ebooks, bringing the story to life with music and sound effects.
  • Voicethread: Voicethread allows for the creation of interactive discussions and storytelling, enabling readers to leave comments and annotations within the ebook.
  • Meograph: Meograph enables the creation of interactive timelines and storytelling experiences, perfect for historical or biographical ebooks.

Scratch: Unlocking Interactivity

Scratch is a powerful storytelling tool that goes beyond traditional ebook creation. It allows users to create interactive stories, animations, and games using a visual programming language. With Scratch, authors can introduce interactive elements, such as quizzes, puzzles, and choose-your-own-adventure features, enhancing the engagement and interactivity of their ebooks. The Scratch community offers a wealth of examples and resources to inspire and guide aspiring creators.

Inklewriter for Teachers

Inklewriter is a unique tool specifically designed for teachers and students. It allows users to create interactive stories with choices, similar to the popular choose-your-own-adventure concept. With Inklewriter, educators can engage students in the writing process while fostering creativity and critical thinking skills. This tool offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible for users of all ages and skill levels.

By utilizing these tools, authors and educators can transform traditional ebooks into immersive and interactive experiences. The incorporation of multimedia features such as videos, audio clips, and interactive elements enhances reader engagement and enables a deeper understanding of the content.

Acquisition Options for eBooks in Academic Libraries

When it comes to providing access to a wide range of digital content, academic libraries have various acquisition options for ebooks. These options allow libraries to cater to the needs of their patrons and enhance the overall research and learning experience. Let’s explore some of the acquisition options available:

Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA)

EBA offers academic libraries unlimited access to a collection of scholarly ebooks for a set upfront fee. This enables libraries to provide their users with a vast selection of titles to choose from. After one year, libraries have the option to select specific titles based on usage data, ensuring that the acquired content aligns with the needs of their community.

Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA)

DDA allows libraries to provide access to a large set of ebook titles for discovery purposes. Libraries pay for the ebooks based on a threshold of usage, ensuring that they only invest in content that is actively utilized by their patrons. This acquisition model offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness, as libraries can optimize their collection based on actual demand.

Ebook Subject Packages

For academic libraries looking to build comprehensive collections in specific disciplines, ebook subject packages are an excellent option. These packages cover over 60 disciplines and offer a wide range of DRM-free content from scholarly publishers. By subscribing to subject packages, libraries can access substantial savings while providing their users with access to high-quality academic resources.

Title-by-Title Selection and Custom Collections

Libraries can also curate their ebook collections through title-by-title selection. This approach allows librarians to handpick specific titles that align with their institution’s curriculum and research areas. Additionally, libraries can build custom collections using criteria such as publisher and discipline, tailoring the content to meet the unique needs of their academic community.

Acquisition Option Benefits
Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) Unlimited access to scholarly ebooks with the option to select titles based on usage data
Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) Access to a large set of titles for discovery, with payment based on usage threshold
Ebook Subject Packages Savings on DRM-free content in over 60 disciplines from scholarly publishers
Title-by-Title Selection and Custom Collections Curate collections based on specific criteria or handpick titles to align with the institution’s needs

By leveraging these acquisition options, academic libraries can provide unlimited access to ebooks, cater to diverse research interests, and enhance the scholarly experience for their patrons.


Enhanced ebooks offer a new dimension to the reading experience with their interactive and multimedia features. Tools like Open Office Impress, Google Presentations, Booktracks, and Scratch provide creators with the means to craft engaging and immersive digital content.

For academic libraries, there are several acquisition options available to expand their digital collections. Options such as EBA, DDA, ebook subject packages, and title-by-title selection offer flexibility and access to a wide range of resources. These acquisition options ensure that academic libraries can cater to the varied needs of their patrons, whether they are students or researchers.

With the integration of enhanced ebooks and the availability of diverse acquisition options, digital libraries in academic settings have the potential to continue growing and providing valuable resources. By embracing the enhanced ebook format and leveraging the available acquisition options, academic libraries can enhance the learning and research experience for their users, contributing to a richer educational environment.


What are enhanced eBooks?

Enhanced eBooks are a new digital publication standard that allows for easy integration of video, audio, and interactivity. They offer interactive and multimedia features to enhance the reading experience.

What tools can I use to create enhanced eBooks?

You can use web-based tools like Open Office Impress, Google Presentations, Booktracks, Voicethread, and Scratch to create enhanced eBooks. These tools provide options for interactivity and multimedia features.

What are the acquisition options for eBooks in academic libraries?

Academic libraries have various acquisition options for eBooks. These include Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA), Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA), eBook subject packages, and title-by-title selection. These options allow libraries to provide access to a wide range of digital content for their patrons.

How can academic libraries offer unlimited access to scholarly eBooks?

Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) offers unlimited access to a collection of scholarly eBooks for a set upfront fee, with the option to select titles based on usage data after one year. This allows libraries to provide access to a large set of titles and optimize their collections based on usage.

Are there any savings options for acquiring eBooks in academic libraries?

Yes, eBook subject packages are available in over 60 disciplines, offering significant savings on DRM-free content from scholarly publishers. Libraries can also build custom collections through title-by-title selection or by using criteria such as publisher and discipline.

How can enhanced eBooks benefit academic libraries?

Enhanced eBooks offer interactive and multimedia features that can enhance the reading experience. With the availability of these eBooks and acquisition options, digital libraries in academic settings can continue to grow and provide valuable resources for students and researchers.

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